Software development is a field that dynamically changes over time. During the changes, agile development has arisen as a counterweight to many traditional methods. Agility is a mindset and methodology that emphasizes the importance of quick response in the midst of changing circumstances. It also values ​​strong collaboration between team members. In this article, we will explain what agile software development is and what its principles are.

Agile development: Scrum, XP and others – a modern approach to software development

What is agile development?

Agile development is an approach characterized by flexibility, collaboration and customer involvement throughout the entire software development process. Traditional software development methods focus heavily on detailed plans and long-term project cycles. However, within the context of agile development, the establishment of priorities, swift deployment of novel solutions, and immediate visibility of results assume paramount significance.

History of agile development

The history of agile development dates back to the late 20th century and the early 21st century. In the 1990s, software development was a process based on extensive pre-planning, detailed documentation, and long-term project plans. Over time, it was noticed that many of the original project requirements and conditions change during the course of the project, and traditional methods cannot flexibly respond to this.

In 2001, a group of software developers gathered in Salt Lake City and formulated the "Manifesto for Agile Software Development”. This manifesto established the principles of agile development, emphasizing the following ideas:

  1. Individuals and their interactions are more important than processes and tools.
  2. Working software is more important than comprehensive documentation.
  3. Consistent, good and smooth cooperation with the client is more important than contract negotiations.
  4. Adapting to change is more important than sticking to a plan. [1]

After the birth of the manifesto, various agile methodologies began to develop and spread.

Principles of agile development

We previously outlined four principles of agile development. In the following, we will explain the characteristic features of agile development in more detail.

Customer involvement and continuous cooperation

Agile development places a strong emphasis on customer engagement. The development team maintains continuous collaboration with the customer to comprehensively grasp their requirements and anticipations. This iterative approach leads to adaptive adjustments in the workflow. Furthermore, the inclusion of end users is a frequent practice from the project's outset. As an illustration, end users actively contribute by offering insights on the user interface design, assessing the software's usability, and gauging its pertinence.

The importance of teamwork

Agile development places paramount importance on the synergy of efficient teamwork and robust communication. Team members operate in close cohesion, fostering the exchange of expertise and innovative concepts. For example, short daily meetings are common. During these gatherings, team constituents recap their recent accomplishments, set new objectives, and address potential impediments. This practice serves the dual purpose of swiftly identifying challenges and disseminating knowledge, ensuring comprehensive awareness among all team members. For example, if an individual highlights challenges with a specific task, others can offer help or share suggestions. Pair programming is also often used, meaning two developers collaborate in tandem on a singular task.

Welcoming change

Agile development not only embraces change but views it as an avenue to progress rather than a hindrance. For example, Apple is known for its flexible and open-to-change product development. When they developed the first iPhone, at first they wanted to create just an iPod with a phone, but at one point they changed direction and developed a completely new product that led to huge success. Apple's commitment to evolutionary dynamics further shines through their consistent incorporation of market insights and user feedback.

Working software first

The development process focuses on creating working software, not just documentation. This allows clients and the team to see real results early. The developmental journey is meticulously parcelled into smaller, manageable segments known as iterations or sprints. At the end of each iteration, a functional software component is delivered, ready for presentation. This allows the team and the client to see concrete progress and correct course when deemed necessary.

In many instances, a prototype or a minimum viable product (MVP) serves as the initial milestone. While endowed with limited functionalities, the MVP remains operationally functional. For example, in the development of a mobile app, the first version may contain only the basic features, affording users the opportunity for early engagement and feedback provision.

The most well-known agile development methodologies

Over time, several agile development methodologies, slightly different in terms of content, have developed.


Scrum is probably the most well-known agile development methodology that focuses on teamwork, sprints and constant communication with the customer. Different roles play an important role in the Scrum methodology:

  • Product owner – responsible for understanding the project vision and setting priorities. Determines which functions and features are most important.
  • Scrum master – responsible for the proper implementation of the Scrum process and supporting the team. Removes obstacles and keeps the process running smoothly.
  • Development Team – The team that performs the actual software development. This can include analysts, designers, developers and testers.


Kanban, rooted in the principles of visual workflow management and adaptive task sequencing, finds its origins in the Toyota production system and has since transcended into the realm of software development. The methodology is based on visual workflow management, where tasks are presented on physical or digital boards called Kanban boards. Each task is represented as a card (usually a sticker) and moves around the board, clearly showing the stages of the work process from "pending" to "done".

Extreme Programming (XP)

Extreme Programming values ​​software quality, testing, pair programming and continuous feedback. Among other things, XP is characterized by the minimal use of code. This involves developing only those features that are currently needed.


Crystal is a family of agile methodologies designed to adapt the software development process to the specifics, size and complexity of the project. Crystal methodologies are designed to provide appropriate approaches for different projects, taking into account the risk factors associated with the project.

Feature-Driven Development (FDD)

FDD focuses on the planning and execution of features. FDD is suitable for projects where it is necessary to create several different functions and therefore a structured approach is important. The methodology allows the team to focus on individual functions and provides a solid framework for managing and monitoring the process.

Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM)

DSDM is a flexible methodology that connects software development with business strategy. DSDM focuses on business benefit, quality, schedule and teamwork and supports projects that work in both small and larger organizations.

Lean Software Development

Similar to the Lean manufacturing philosophy, Lean software development focuses on reducing waste and increasing value. It helps to optimize processes and focus on important activities.

Agile development in Estonia

Agile software development has gained substantial traction and widespread adoption within Estonia's tech landscape. We point out some reasons why agile development works well in Estonia.

Innovation-oriented culture

Estonian companies are known for their innovation-oriented and open attitude, and new technologies are often tried. Agile methodologies seamlessly align with this progressive mindset, nurturing an environment where the cultivation of new concepts is not only welcomed but actively encouraged.

The advantage of small teams

In Estonia, most software development projects have been carried out with relatively small teams. An agile approach aptly aligns with the intricacies of such teams, facilitating seamless communication and swift responsiveness.

Customer focus

Estonian software development companies understand that customer involvement is the key to success. Agile development allows them to flexibly adapt to the changing demands of customers and ensure a high-quality end result.

Startups and the digital society

Estonia is known for its vibrant startup community and e-government solutions. An agile approach supports efficient prototyping and rapid development processes, which are important in a digital society.

Agile development as a key to flexible cooperation in the modern world

In summary, agile development emerges as a contemporary paradigm that esteems adaptability, collaborative synergy, and the integral engagement of clients and end users throughout the developmental trajectory. In contrast to traditional methods, the agile approach focuses on quick response and strong teamwork, rather than detailed planning and documentation creation. The agile approach works particularly well in Estonia thanks to the innovation-oriented culture, the advantage of small teams and a strong startup community.

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